Slurry Measurement Monitoring System


  • High accuracy and reproducibility
  • Maintenance free
  • Installation methods for different applications
  • Easy operation
  • Billing to the pump company based on t/h
  • Pump Protection against dense slurry
  • Denflonic monitoring system with Data Logging History from anywhere

The Rhosonics SDM stands for Slurry Density Meter, which is a category in real-time. Additionally, this instrument uses a non-intrusive ultrasonic sensor to measure the real-time density of mineral slurries under high-density levels and at very large pipes. Moreover, the SDMs have a robust design with sensors made of highly abrasion-resistant materials, makng them ideal for rough proccess conditions.

Furthermore, Rhosonics helps dredgers and mineral processing plants to replace nuclear density gauges with ultrasonic technology. Conesequently, operator can achieve process optimization in a safer, more reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective way. This is how Rhosonics contributes to a greener and smarter industry.


  • Real-time slurry density monitoring
  • Safe technology (non-nuclear)
  • Abrasion-resistant sensors
  • Easy operation and installation
  • Can be used in half-filled pipes

Unrivalled advantages of non-intrusive flow measurement

  • No process interruption maintenance-free (no need for frequent work in hazardous areas)
  • Fast measuring dynamics also capture highly pulsating flows
  • Reliable measurements even of slurries, liquids with gaseous entrainments or wet gas (up to LVF of 5%)
  • High operational safety with no risk of leaks
  • Independent of pipe material, diameter, wall thickness and internal pressure and temperature
  • Accurate and repeatable measurement readings – even at extremely low flow rates (high turndown ratio)
  • Highly cost efficient in comparison to wetted instrumentation

Two values coming from Density meter and Flow meter can give more information about the slurry pumped.

  1. Density Slurry Value = kg/m3
  2. Flowrate Slurry Value = m3/h
  3. Mass flow Slurry Value = Density x Flow = kg/h
  4. Total Slurry = The amount of Slurry being pump by times = t
  5. Total Solids = The amount of “only solids’ being pump by times = t

All the data can be access using website with desire dashboard

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